Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Canterbury Tales Remix

Okay Class Appreciate Because I am typing this directly into the blog because I cant cut and paste.

Destination: Ivy and Adrian's Wedding, Las Vegas, Nevada

Mode of Transport: A greyhound bus departing from Hollywood, Florida

Narrator: The Bus Driver (Michael Dominguez)

Story Telling Theme: Each person on the bus wil be giving a toast at the reception. These toasts will serve as our "stories". They will, 1. explain how your character knows either the bride or groom, and 2. be written in rhyme (like the original tales). Thy should also aim to be clever and entertaining, as those are among the criteria I will be grading you on (and later on judging to determine the winners)

Tips for a wedding toast: To help develop your character sketches:

adapted from:

Before you begin:

Start off by writing down thoughts freely about the bride and groom and your relationship to them.

Make sure to answer all of the questions:

1. How do you know them?

2. Why did they choose you to make this toast?

3.How would you describe each of them? What are the first five adjectives that come to mind?

4. What was the groo like before he met the bride? How has he changed knowing her? (or vice versa if you know the bride)

5. How did they meet? How did the groom tell you about her or vice versa?

6. If your character is married, you may wish to think about marriage advice you have received or have learned.

7. Are there any particularly ausing anecdotes that illustrate who the bride and/or groom is?

Beginning: Start off by introducing yourself, as not everyone in the room will know who you are.
You might say "Excuse me everyone,if I could have your attention for a moment. I'd like to take a few moments to say a few words about our bride and groom. I'm ________, _______'s
longtime good friend (brother,siste, cousin, etc.)

* This might also an opportunity for you to say something about your 48 hour bus ride.

Tell a funny story about the bride and or groo, give your thoughts on love and arriage, tell the story of how they met, or talk about how you have seen the change through their relationship.. Give interesting details.


It is often good to wrap up your toast wth wish,traditional toast, or blessing for the bride and groom. Raise your glass with a resounding congratulations, cheers, l'chai or salud, and don't forget to drink to your own toast.

The first draft of your character is due next class (Thursday) we will wok on a revision in class
We will also start blocking your performance which will also be recorded for a grade on monday. You will be dressed in full costume (part of your grade as well)

1 comment:

dayix92 said...

Hi Miss Gayol =-)
This is dayana from pd 6..
do we have to bring the custom for thuesday??