Thursday, September 16, 2010

LBIU Updates and Homework Assignments!

Hey kids! Hope you are having a wonderful week. I would like to tell you all, that it was an absolute pleasure to meet most of your parents!

Some clarifications: I have fixed the link to the LBIU study questions, so if you have not had the opportunity to give me your jump drive, they are now available.

A couple of you were asking how to make new blanks for your reading maps:

1. Right click and save pic of map
2. Open Microsoft Word
3. Insert Pic
4. Copy and paste as many as you need on sheet or keep inserting pic (you can resize to your liking:)

Homework: Part 2 Vocabulary Maps (5 of them from second list)are due on Monday for 1,4,6
and Tuesday for 3,5

Reading Plus 2 Sessions by Friday (You are hopefully up to four sessions)
Disable cookies and pop ups to download Java

By Monday, Tuesday you should have read up to Chapter 22 in LBIU
You should also have Readers Reflections done in your journal for Chapters: 1-2,3-8,13-14, and 18-22. Remember it is writing through a third person voice of one of the characters.

Your grammar homework, based on your diagnostic performance is due on Wednesday for 1,4,6 and Thursday for 3,5

I hope this clarifies any questions you may have

Have a magical weekend!


Unknown said...

Miss gayoyl, i thnk i was absent when you explained to my class about reading plus (6th grade period 6), can u please explain to me how to do the reading plus and where to do it (urgent!) your student Lazaro Fernandez. Sorry to bother you.

Unknown said...

i dont know wat my password for reading + is i sent you an email please respond