Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ENG II Honors

How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent. Please read the first two segments for class and be prepared to liberaly discuss in class. Please click on adjacent link and print or write out the study questions, so we can answer them in class. See you tomorrow...toodles!


Leslie said...

Can i look online for a written story of it Please!! I'm scared of falling behind ;_;

Manny said...

Miss its manny from second i just wanted to let you know i went to booksmart when my parents got home form work, but i didnt know the store closed at 7:00, anyway i rushed over there and got there at exactly 7:04 and they didnt let me in. i just wanted to let you now early so that it wouldent cause any commotion tommorow, i'll try and look for it on the internet and print like the first couple chapters. My dad said he would buy it tommorow when he gets out of work, so that he wont waste any time stopping at the house.

j3 said...

Miss, its Jose from 4th ( not the white meat one) I just wanted to know up to where we have to read the Garcia girls. Have a nice weekend.


Leslie said...

Miss Gayol i can't seem to find the first chapters online would you please put a link on website for me :) when you have time ^.^

Leslie said...

I brought the book Miss but i don't think ill be able to get Calameo from amazon or other stuff because of no credit card. Ill be starting to read books

Unknown said...

i need to know the crap door of metal in the waters of babylon please?